Jaylen’s Story
“He’s grown so much! When I didn’t believe in Jaylen, that he would do certain things, that he’d be able to read, be able to do math, his teachers believed in him. St. Timothy’s teachers don’t doubt him, not once. They believe that he’s going to do it, they put it on his plans, and he does it! It happens.”
Hanna’s Story
“God created us all very unique and He created Hanna very unique. They really work very hard at finding that uniqueness and helping that blossom and grow. St. Timothy meets my child, and I think all the children, in every aspect that they need to be met – from educational to spiritual to emotional. I don’t know of another school that does that.”
Caleigh’s Story
“Finding St. Timothy truly was a blessing for our family and for Caleigh. We have a completely different daughter now. She wants to get up every morning, she wants to come to St. Timothy. The love and appreciation and the respect they show our students is something that you won’t find elsewhere. It’s amazing when you find a truly Christ-based education. They will do everything they can do to make sure your child is everything that God intended them to be.”
Caroline’s Story
“All teachers love their jobs, but I don’t know that all teachers have the same level of compassion and understanding that the teachers do at St. Timothy’s. It is just amazing to watch how talented a group of teachers that they’ve assembled and how much they care.”
Jacob’s Story
“The peace of mind to drop your son off at school everyday and not be sick to your stomach…to know that whatever comes up that day, they’ve got it. It’s a huge gift.”
Joshua’s Story
“For a long time, I kept thinking that God had forgotten about us. I kept thinking, He doesn’t hear me. I remember when I did hear about St. Timothy that I thought, He did hear me. He did hear me…and this is my answer to prayer.”
State of School
Head of School — Lisa McNair
"For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and self-discipline." — 2 Timothy 1:7
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A Christian school for children with learning differences