A Message from the Head of School
A favorite saying among the St. Timothy Christian Academy family is, “God brought each of us here for a reason.” Our students recently presented a musical in which the theme centered on seeing each person’s uniqueness within the Body of Christ. At St. Timothy, we celebrate differences, as the students learn who they are and Whose they are! All of us have a story, a separate journey, and we are pleased you have taken an interest in STCA.
The STCA family is made up of extraordinary students, encouraging parents, and great educators and support staff. The members of our staff have a passion for the Lord and are gifted in their ability to embrace and capitalize on the individual learning styles of our students. Our mission of working with children in a redemptive Christian environment not only touches the lives of our children but also ministers to their families and the community.
Our Board of Directors, faculty and staff, and STCA families join me in extending a warm welcome and an invitation to visit us and learn more about the school that HOPE built.
Lisa McNair
Head of School
"For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and self-discipline." — 2 Timothy 1:7
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To schedule a tour, or for more information about our school, our mission, or how you can help support St. Timothy Christian Academy please contact us.
A Christian school for children with learning differences